Opening Salvo provides a space that you can make your own to tell your story and easily share your faith with others. We are all called to be prepared to give an answer for the hope that we have. We are all called to go and make disciples. I don't know about you, but it has not been easy for me to break the ice and start a conversation about my faith and the joy that comes from knowing Jesus as my savior. It's not easy, yet we are all called, actually I think it is more appropriate to say that we are all commanded to do this.
Basic Formatting Layouts – There are a variety of ways to organize the information you would like to share with those that you seek to engage in discussions about your faith.
Text, Pictures, and Videos – Combine written descriptions of events in your life or your core beliefs with pictures to help tell your story. Make and post videos to share in your own voice.
Curated Content – A growing library of curated content is provided as a resource that you can pull from and insert into your message.
Private Engagement – Visitors to your Opening Salvo page can engage with you in a private area exclusive to you and those specific visitors so that sharing and questions can be posed comfortably in private.
Charting The Path – You have an area accessible only to you where you can keep track of where conversations are going and add notes for what might be best to discuss next.
About the Name
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
opening salvo: the first in a series of questions, statements etc. that you use to try to win an argument.
argument: a form of rhetorical expression intended to convince or persuade
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When you order you get a box of Opening Salvo cards to share that have a QR code that links directly to your page that you can share on any occasion.